Wednesday, April 27, 2011

FUN things - the last week...Wrap it up

Wordle. Might use it somewhere, sometime.
LibraryThing...tried to make it "road trip" related. E-books, audiobooks, stuff that could be used on a mobile device. Since I'm just embarking on the mobile journey, I'm not being very selective about additions...anything FREE in the netbook arena makes it to my consideration list. The book I added is one that I was able to get access to for a 14 day loan period from Saskatoon public, so I started it on the drive to Alberta, makes the stretch btween Rosetown and Hanna bearable, but just barely! Anyway, if I don't have need of it (or want to finish it) it'll "expire" after 14 days and I pay no fines. So LibraryThing might give me some guidance for this kind of stuff. Not much available yet. Or I don't know how to find it yet.
The Smilebox looks like a blast! I might try that at home and "wow" my kids.
I hate computer games.
I'm sorry that it's finished. I'm hoping to go back and fine-tune or polish some of the stuff I wasn't comfortable with or that I feel I rushed through. I also want to spend some time reading other participants' blogs. I really didn't do that yet.
Party, party

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Online Mapping

Community Walk was fun. I did Tim Horton's (only 4 of them) and then made a path between them just for fun.
I'd had a bit of experience with GIS, we have a GPS that has been handy on more than one occasion. I especially like the fact that driver husband can't get annoyed with (used to be) navigator wife! And Google Earth is way cool. Google Map has got me into trouble in cities where there is big construction changes going on.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


so this is the answer to bookmarking overabundance! when I find a great site, I want to be able to get back there can't imagine how frustrated I get every time my bookmarks get "disorganized"... which happens every time we change computers or have to have our stuff reloaded by LS&IT. I don't check on them often enough to make sure they're all working :(  but each time they revert back to alphabetical listing I swear I'm going to look after them better. now I can. well, at least at home I can.

later in day...have explored diigo, added it as favorite and signed up for a diigolet (smaller version) account....misspelled my name...I'm Par instead of Pat in diigoland...added a few bookmarks and tags, notes, ....and I've had enough for today.

Part two of Week 11 is easy, but I'm finishing it a week later so had to reread the whole thing. added the countdown, think I'll look at HTW's Worldcat gadget later.

Thursday, April 7, 2011


I now have a Twitter account, my name is bibliopeeps. Haven't tweeted yet, saving it for tomorrow. Took a while to find a name that wasn't in use. Early bird gets the best tweet!

No Flickr for me. My own library picture "Biblioteca Varadero"

No cardigan-loving library workers in here!
Didn't find a thrilling library photo in Flickr, didn't want/need a Flickr account so used one of my own (credit photographer/husband). Have looked at Picasa previously, think it would be good to get SOME kind of organization going with all our photos. Trouble photographer/husband doesn't organize in the same manner as I do, we'd spend too much time switching photos in and out of groups we "strongly feel" they belong in/or out of.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I wasn't very wiki wiki with the wiki, but I'm slowly catching up. Like Wiki for group effort, want to use it in ILL.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Prezi on music

Had seen Prezi working as part of LLDP presentation, but this was just for fun, so I had some fun.
Did the weeks out of sequence, so this one is a little late.
Looking at clip art was interesting..not something I've done before,have to remember to take it off of my desktop now that I've finished using it.
Yes, this would be a nice way of presenting ideas.